I had to save the picture, though because I didn't realize that my belly was in the frame. It just gets in the way and I don't even notice!
Ok, so I haven't done the blog since I came home from the hospital. Sorry, fans! I deci
ded, since the clock is tickin', I would get in the latest before I forget about it!
We were so lucky to be in Rose Medical Center with the best nursing care! We look forward to being back there for a delivery!
The first weekend home happened to be Labor Day, so we made sure it was ok with Dr. Fraser and moved my bedrest to the Aviator Pool! Heidi, Zeb and Maya met us there and we spent the entire day there! It felt great to be in the outdoors! To feel the sun and air on my face was the sweetest thing and to be with my family and friends was even sweeter! I ate deviled eggs and sipped on Hansen's Diet Peach Soda. How could life be better?
I am so excited to get out and reach the confines of my bedroom! I'll miss my nurses and pals that I've made, but somehow, I'll try to smile!
Matt, Georgie and I had 2 wheelchair rides yesterday. G played in the sandbox and returned with a sand-filled diaper and needed a shower. Her bottom is great! It was the last time she will take a shower in the hospital!
Saturday, I went to the pool and returned to take off my swimsuit. The reality hit me that I would never wear the suit again! I felt complete and fulfilled. My aunt drew this picture of me in the pool for her next book. Enjoy the visual!
One of my cellmates, who is 27 weeks got diagnosed, while in here with Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is having to start treatment and has no support system. It made me so grateful for what I have had. Thank you to everyone who spent their days visiting, taking care of Georgia, sending meals and care pakages, or even just calling/emailing me. I am so lucky to have the support that I have and when I see someone with none of that and a far worse situation, I have so much gratitude. Thank you!
I just got back from the ultrasound. I went in and announced that I thought the baby would weigh 4lbs 9oz and they said the high 3s would be more realistic. So, they checked and it was 4lbs 9oz. I love being right! It's the 'roids! Our sweet little juicer!
Also, the baby in no longer breech. The head is down and I got to see it's hair. It looked curly, but it could be that it was in fluid. Stay tuned for early October!
So, my front tooth fell out since I've been in the clink, while eating a salad. It's making me crazy and I am afraid that the nurses, who have not known me any other way, think this is how I normally am! Just a poor redneck, who wound up in the hospital with insurance that doesn't cover anything maternity. Pure white trash. Room 381.
Well, Dr. Strubel-Lagan said I could make a dental appointment for 34 weeks! That's right, everyone! I'll have the old bucky fixed on September 2! The day after Labor Day, so I can still open your beer bottles with my front tooth at the Labor Day Celebration and no one has to be disappointed!
Speaking of Labor Day, I will still be on bedrest, but can do that poolside. I will be at the Aviator Pool for the weekend, if anyone wants to come by and say goodbye to the smile no one has grown to love. I'll be the whitest, fattest person, as the sun hasn't touched my skin in 4 weeks. you should be able to find me.