Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Big Delivery!

Well, I fell behind in blogging. Sorry. This was the last time I walked - right before the epidural. Heidi followed me and took pictures of me peeing, which, had I been more spry, I would have jumped up and knocked her out with her own camera.

I dilated really quickly after the magical epidural. Roxanne was our nurse and she asked me to "practice push". I did and she said it was great and we would have an easy delivery.

Dr. Fraser came down an hour later and I pushed once. It was great! That was all it took for us to have Flora Louise Ilima Dollarhide. She is sweet and snuggly and looks a lot like Georgia, with the exception of hair color. Flora has brownish hair. She weighs 7 pounds 5 ounces. It was the best delivery and I had so much fun with my friends from Rose. The nurses were all coming in to visit and helping out. We were so lucky to have such a great experience and new baby!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oct 1rst 1:30 PM

At noon the water was broken and I was dilated at 5 cm. I got the epidural and am now dilated at 6cm and am very happy. Oh! epidural you make everything better. I'm thinking about our third child now.

Oct 1rst

The call at 10: 30 came @ 5:00 am. We got to the room at 6:00 am, and got settled. At 8:20 Erin finally let the nurse put an IV into her arm, so now they can start the various drips. Dr. Fraiser says expect good news at around supper time. Roxxanne says we should see he/she at around noon. Any takers! We will keep you posted. posted at 8:10