A whole lotta belly! I'm going for an ultrasound on Thursday! We'll have an update on the weight of the baby, but it should be at least 4 lbs. Stay tuned...
"French Jackie" again. Today, I heard about how someone said her grandchild was not attractive. She was very upset and french. Again, an extremely condensed version. Mon Dieu!
What a great time with Skpe video phone calls to Erin yesterday. Skype allows Georgia to see her mom and vise-versa when we are not at the hospital. Even though I take Erin pictures up to the hospital to show her all the projects that have been done, there is nothing like the real thing to see. Yesterday's calls were really fun. Georgia climbed the stairs for Erin, sat on the bottom rung and talked and talked to her as she can see Erin on full screen, as well as seeing a thumbnail video of herself. I think she watches herself more than Erin. Then I carried the laptop around the house and yard and Erin loved looking at all the improvements. Felix reworked the linen closet and Hira and Judi reorganized the pantry. Wow, the place looks like new digs. ERin in her command video post notices some other things that she wants done so they take prioity on the master list of Hira to do. Life is fun on the Ferris wheel.
love Hira
I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already! You're a trooper, E.
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