Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 46 - 10 Days Left!

Georgia has made friends with the Rose Medical Center Valet Parkers, Mario and Erica. They lets her chauffeurs get away with murder, and the other day thought she was being kidnapped, when Heidi left with her. He had never met Heidi and since Heidi had Georgia and a "black little girl " with her he thought it could be part of a child smuggling ring. Thanks, Mario! It was just Heidi and Maya taking G for a trip to the shoe store!

There's a chance I could get out this coming Wednesday, but if not for sure, the following Wednesday. So get down here and have some grapes before out time here is over!
Today is the 2nd day of raining all day. Baby Dollarhide and I are watching Elf, which is what I watched every day of my 1st Trimester with Georgia's pregnancy. I remember fondly the barfing and then laughing at the movie. What a fun time! It makes me so excited for Christmas! If I was home today, I would make Hira and Matt pull out the Christmas decorations and put them up! It would be so much fun!


Hira Barbara Reid said...

Its saturday and no valet parking. Ugh, I had a large empty suitcase to haul plus Georgia sleeping in the car, so she went into the stroller, and we went down the descending ramps in the garage to avoid the stairs. Georgie made it back to the car walking at a fast clip, head down watching those pick crocks fly and jabbering at the top of her vocal range, laughing at her echo in the empty garage. When we made it to the car I was thinking she might be tired, but no... she started screaming when I made her stop. She was still ready for more, so I promised her a walk in the park when we got home, but that failed, as she was fast asleep and the rain was pouring down.

Hira Barbara Reid said...

Today, 19 Aug is my last day on the Ferris Wheel. Spinning, spinning I have burnt some mothering and family karma which is good, plus gaining some merit in the mix of things. It was great helping Erin and Georgia and bringing some order to much needed tasks such as yard work, porch cleaning and plant revival. If you are ever in the neighborhood please water the plants on the porch and the blue pots. Preparing the evening meals for the family was fun and interesting, since I have never cooked for a family. My friend Judi joined me and was a great help cooking,cleaning and sorting. Kudos to her for flying up from Az to tackle the job.
Taking care of Georgia was a delight and it was wonderful to see her progress with her ambulation skills,drinking out of a container, and how proficient she is in charminng everyone. She is a bright light and it will be interesting to see how she manifests it in her lifetime. I'm looking forward to seeing the baby in October.... With great love. Hira