I just got back from the ultrasound. I went in and announced that I thought the baby would weigh 4lbs 9oz and they said the high 3s would be more realistic. So, they checked and it was 4lbs 9oz. I love being right! It's the 'roids! Our sweet little juicer!
Also, the baby in no longer breech. The head is down and I got to see it's hair. It looked curly, but it could be that it was in fluid. Stay tuned for early October!
It touches me so when I hear its heart beat but when I see its face- I really take a double look as it looks so much like Georgia.
You are doing such a good job of honoring your baby's health and providing an incredible environment of calmness and love for it to nourish itself. Baby $hide #2 has to totally feel loved and supported.
Love to all 4 of you.
While BDH 2 is growing. Georgia is picking up the pace on ambulation. She now walks and pushes her stroller from the valet parking to Erin's room. She is very good about maneuvering the stroller and waits patiently for the elevator and the car to arrive. She hands the attendant the money for parking and tip. It is a total parade of people stopping and talking with her. She gabbers back, smiles and strides onward down the long halls. She is too adorable. Today at the grocery store she rode in the shopping cart which looks like a car. She loved it and so did eveyone else.
The meat section folks stopped their work for a photo op.
She is walking on her own about 7 feet, but this morning she walked on her own accord coming into the kitchen from the dining room while I was fixng her lunch.
She has stopped drinking from a bottle and is using a cup and straw and is even picking it up herself and holding it on her own.
Miracles continue.
It rained all day, but the weather didn't seem to make our routine harder. Georgia just smiles through everything and I continue to repeat my mantra: be flexible and have fun.
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