Today, Rebecca came down to visit with Georgia. Rebecca and Felix are her best friends. We've all accepted it!
Hira and Judy came down today and took Georgia on a spin in her wheelchair. Hira and Judy have been making dinners and bringing them down every night, along with visits from G. It's been great and we appreciate the break from the divine Rose Medical Center meals. I kind of miss the moldy grapes, but what can I do? It would be rude not to eat the food they bring.

Uncle Andy and Tia Ana came into town for Cousin Jennie's wedding. Andy took a break from being a waiter at the wedding to hold his neice. I asked Dr. Strubel-Lagan if I could have a hall pass to go to the wedding in Greeley. She said that not only could I not, but that she also recommends that I not go to Greeley, even after the baby's born and healthy.
Georgia got a new dress from her Auntie Kelly, in Los Angeles. I tried desperately to find hot pink shoes to match, but was unsuccessful. I know I am a failure as a mother. I feel like I let my baby down. She went in older sandals. I think this really drives home the point that our family is really going through a tough time. Please don't judge us.
Lastly, Grace and Trinity stopped by on an illegal mission to deliver lemon sorbet! It was very sweet and just what a diabetic chick needed! Thanks girls, for the covert op!
Hi Erin:
You are such a talented writer - I love reading your blog! And I'm so happy to have made my debut, although I should have worn something nicer and sat up straight, but what to do.. It was lovely to spend the day with you, Georgia,Hira, and Judy.
I love seeing all the support group and hearing about the stories. It makes me feel that I am still there.
My great thanks to Hira and Judy, who have flown there to share a part of their lives with you and have given sooo much to making life in the clinker a little more comfortable. They have been cooking nightly meals to be sent up, caring for Georgia, delivering her to the hospital for Mom and Georgia to have their fix with eachother, cleaning the house, organizing, gardening and washing the piles of laundry that are then folded and put away. These are a few of the many gestures that happen.
Rebecca and Heidi are mainstays of regular caring for Georgia. They are there with welcome arms to care and support Georgia during these times and continue to support her on a regular schedule before Erin was hospitalized.
I feel relieved that so many people have come forth to help out and be apart of this wonderful support group. Tu Tu thanks each and everyone of you from my grateful heart.
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