Monday, August 25, 2008
The Last Day in Jail...Day 56!
I am so excited to get out and reach the confines of my bedroom! I'll miss my nurses and pals that I've made, but somehow, I'll try to smile!
Matt, Georgie and I had 2 wheelchair rides yesterday. G played in the sandbox and returned with a sand-filled diaper and needed a shower. Her bottom is great! It was the last time she will take a shower in the hospital!

Saturday, I went to the pool and returned to take off my swimsuit. The reality hit me that I would never wear the suit again! I felt complete and fulfilled. My aunt drew this picture of me in the pool for her next book. Enjoy the visual!
One of my cellmates, who is 27 weeks got diagnosed, while in here with Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is having to start treatment and has no support system. It made me so grateful for what I have had. Thank you to everyone who spent their days visiting, taking care of Georgia, sending meals and care pakages, or even just calling/emailing me. I am so lucky to have the support that I have and when I see someone with none of that and a far worse situation, I have so much gratitude. Thank you!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Day 52!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Day 50! 50 is Nifty!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Day 46 - 10 Days Left!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day 44 - 12 Days Left of Hard Time!

I just got back from the ultrasound. I went in and announced that I thought the baby would weigh 4lbs 9oz and they said the high 3s would be more realistic. So, they checked and it was 4lbs 9oz. I love being right! It's the 'roids! Our sweet little juicer!
Also, the baby in no longer breech. The head is down and I got to see it's hair. It looked curly, but it could be that it was in fluid. Stay tuned for early October!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Day 42 - 6 weeks down! 2 to go!

A whole lotta belly! I'm going for an ultrasound on Thursday! We'll have an update on the weight of the baby, but it should be at least 4 lbs. Stay tuned...
"French Jackie" again. Today, I heard about how someone said her grandchild was not attractive. She was very upset and french. Again, an extremely condensed version. Mon Dieu!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Day 41 in the Clink!

Apparently, at the house, we have plums growing! Which is nice, like a return on my investment. I will be selling these for $400/plum to cover costs right now. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Today's nurse is called "French Jackie". She got the nickname because she is French and her name is Jackie. She talks like Pepe Le Pew. She likes to tell me about her daughter's deadbeat Brazilian boyfriend in Miami. Apparently, if her daughter lets him move in, she won't stand for it. She has worked too hard to put her daughter through med school to have a Brazilian with no job come and ruin everything. She'll even give her house in France to her sister instead of her daughter over this! (This is a VERY condensed version of the story that I learned while standing next to my bathroom, while waiting to pee.)
I got a care package from Hawaii today of 2 boxes of chocolate covered macadamia nuts and 6 cans of macadamia nuts, with instructions for me not to eat it all at once. This is what Audrey thinks I eat for a light snack in one sitting. If someone could bring me down a loaf of bread and a stick of butter, I could really turn it into a meal! Just kidding, Audrey! Thanks for the package! And for the rest of you, get down here for a Hawaiian sampling before Matt devours it!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Day 39 - Saturday!

Hira and Judy came down today and took Georgia on a spin in her wheelchair. Hira and Judy have been making dinners and bringing them down every night, along with visits from G. It's been great and we appreciate the break from the divine Rose Medical Center meals. I kind of miss the moldy grapes, but what can I do? It would be rude not to eat the food they bring.

Uncle Andy and Tia Ana came into town for Cousin Jennie's wedding. Andy took a break from being a waiter at the wedding to hold his neice. I asked Dr. Strubel-Lagan if I could have a hall pass to go to the wedding in Greeley. She said that not only could I not, but that she also recommends that I not go to Greeley, even after the baby's born and healthy.
Georgia got a new dress from her Auntie Kelly, in Los Angeles. I tried desperately to find hot pink shoes to match, but was unsuccessful. I know I am a failure as a mother. I feel like I let my baby down. She went in older sandals. I think this really drives home the point that our family is really going through a tough time. Please don't judge us.
Lastly, Grace and Trinity stopped by on an illegal mission to deliver lemon sorbet! It was very sweet and just what a diabetic chick needed! Thanks girls, for the covert op!