Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 20

Hey, I decided to start a blog to keep everyone informed on the progress of Baby Dollarhide and the life of action and intrigue that Matt and I have currently!

Well, we are at 3 weeks in the hospital tomorrow, and that means 5 to go! There was no testing done last week, but we'll have a big ultrasound on Thursday that will give us an indication of how big the baby is. Nearly 2 weeks ago, the weight was 2lbs 1 oz, so hopefully in 2 weeks of incubating, baby is topping the charts! Stay tuned...

Georgia is doing great and is currently at the pool with Heidi and Maya! Matt is going to a Rockies game tonite and my book club is coming to the hospital tonite! So, we are all trying to have a normal life during this time!

Thanks for all the good wishes.


mjackson said...

Grow like a weed baby $hide!!!

What a story you will have for your little baby when he/she arrives...little stinker!!

Hey does Georgia want to have a sleep over with Ava this weekend or next? We would love to have her!

We wish you and your cervix the best during this difficult time!
The Jacksons!

p.s. I freaking love blogs...seriously I do, this is great!!

J.Far said...

Keep up the good attitude and time will go by quicker than you know it!

And I would NEVER call your cervix incompetent. Maybe just a little flaky. ♥