We spent my daily 30 minutes of non-bedrest time by going to breakfasts and walks with Georgia! After the 8 weeks on bedrest in the hospital, I put in another 2.5 weeks. Playing with Georgia was the best and I had my helpers there to make life easier! Thanks to Rebecca, Liz, Heidi and Felix! We couldn't have done it without you!

So, I found a bunch of the very same Laura Ashley material at Back on the Rack, that my best friend from high school, Kelly Lee, had in her room growing up! This is it, to the left. Total 1985 throw back! I loved spending the night at Kelly's! The whole room was in this print and there were 2 twin beds. We would watch movies and eat pizza and in the morning, her mom, Auntie Anne would make breakfast. It was the best! When I saw this bedroom set, I was so excited to get it for Georgia's room!
Then, I had to convert the guest room into a magical place for Georgia! So, in my condition, I had a team of helpers that came in and turned our guest room into Georgia's new room!
Special thanks to Auntie M, Heidi, Rebecca, and Matty for ironing linens, hanging curtains, moving furniture and fulfilling my McDonald's request in the middle of it all!